We originally planned to go bowling, but after going to all 2 of the bowling allies in town and finding out it was league night we weren't sure what we were going to do. We've made it a goal to have family home evening every week this year, and so far so good! Noah loves it and reminds us every Sunday not to forget about it tomorrow, Cutler - not so much. But we still do it. Repetition, repetition! Anyway, since we couldn't go bowling I told Colby to drive over to the Rosenbruch Museum. We did and the boys loved it, even Colby! At the end I tried to get their picture by the bear in the kid's room, but Cutler was scared. We stopped in the gift shop and bought them each something. Cutler - bouncy ball(wahoo), Noah - toy animals.
That is an awesome goal! The museum looks like fun. We have nothing like that in SLOWcala! It is always stressful to find something for my little kids to do because there is nothing. Looks like they had a great time.
What a fun time! What is the Rosenbruch Museum though? Have I really be out of St. George for that long?
That is so awesome you are doing F.H.E. I made it my goal this year to do it every Monday. So far so good and Paige really likes it. Those boys are so cute!
FHE sounds like fun. I am glad you are enjoying it and keeping up on your goal.
Our boys love the museum too. And you know Shan is in heaven there. You should try the dinosaur museum one time. My boys loved it, they have a cute little animated movie to watch and then the dinosaur stuff. Doesn't take too long though! We should get together for FHE sometime.
Awesome! Noah I can tell you really liked the museum! You will have to take me sometime so I can see all the cool animals. (tell mom something is wrong with her camera..all the pictures are blurry)
So glad I could be of service!
Hey Tiffany! I'm now fully recovered from the New Years Eve Party and I am impressed by the pictures and fun activities that you have been doing! What a fun family!
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