Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Picture attempt

A couple of weeks ago, just as the trees were blossoming, we took the kids out to try and get some Easter pictures.

It was windy, and cold.
And somebody didn't have a nap.

 I love this one!!
Both the boys are like...What now? And she just keeps on throwing her fit.

After riding in the car for 10 minutes...somebody got their nap!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

7 years

Can you even believe this is how we started out?

Colby & I went to dinner last night [thank you gramma sherie] and we both said...
"Wow 7 years. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. It only feels like 4."
Not that 7 is really a long time, but it's gone by so fast!
So many things have happened and changed, and have changed us.

I love how much has changed in 7 years...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Post-tonsils post

Cutler has always been a [heavy breather]...especially at night. Not really snoring just heavy breathing. The past couple of months it has gotten worse, actual snoring. Only a couple of weeks ago the kids were all in bed, Colby & I were watching t.v. and Cutler started snoring. Loud. I turned to Colby and said 'That just isn't right'. He literally sounded like my grandpa. No joke.
The next morning I asked him if his throat hurt, but he said no. So I asked if I could look in his mouth.
His tonsils were ginormous! Like literally almost touching each other. And very red.
So the snoring isn't really what has bothered me. It's the fact that he snores so bad, he isn't breathing very good. And definately not sleeping well. Like when I drove across town on Monday to take him to the dr. and he fell asleep in the car. That's not Cutler.
The dr. referred us to the ENT who immediately said we needed to take out his tonsils & adenoids.

**Colby had his tonsils out 2 days before I was due with Cutler and it was the worst experience of both our lives. We always said if our kids needed it done, we would do it right then.

[Surgery day]

Cutler was very brave. We kept telling him what was going to happen but not really the details. I wasn't quite sure how much to tell him. So the night before, he wasn't eating dinner. His most favorite thing...Lasagna. After it was all cleaned up I told him he needed to eat because he wasn't going to be able to eat tomorrow. (not like he really cared) So I made him some oatmeal, then some applesauce. He did pretty good. I just wanted him to be full. 30 minutes later he threw it all up. So much for having a full belly!

picture taken 3.3.11

We got to the surgery center @ 8:45 in the morning after sending Noah to a friends and dropping Lexie off with Grandma Janet. We waited only for a few minutes before they called us back. Cutler walked into the back like he had been there before and knew just what to do.
The nurse was very good with him and explained everything she was doing to him in such a cute way.

(these are the only pictures I took. They were all looking at my like I was crazy taking pictures so I stopped)
Everyone kept saying 'He's not shy'. I'm pretty sure he had no clue what was about to happen. Then they took him back and we went out to the front to wait.
Colby and I sat down and started reading the paper and a book...I looked at my watch and it said 9:15. The next thing I knew the nurse walked out calling 'for cutler'. I looked at my watch again and it was 9:50. Colby brought the car around, I walked back with the nurse, Cutler was in the chair just waking up. They said he did awesome!
He still had an IV in to get some fluid in him and they wanted him to eat a popcicle, which he didn't want to do. But he tried to pull the IV out so they had to tape his whole arm up. I finally convinced him that if he ate the popcicle he could get the IV out. So he did. They discharged us and we were in the car at 10:15. I couldn't believe how fast it went.

When we got home he laid around for a couple of hours, but by the afternoon he was out riding his bike. He does not like to be cooped up. He hasn't been a total champ on drinking. He needs to keep lots of fluid in but he doesn't want to drink. Our cute neighbor stopped by with an icee from Maverick and that made his day! That night about 7:00 we were eating dinner and he had crashed on the couch. We woke him up just enough to take his first does of Lortab and then put him in bed. The next morning about 6:00 he came in crying because he hurt. But he sleeps with his mouth open, so he was all dry. Sad. We got him a little drink, got him to eat just enough to give him more medicine. But he was up the rest of the day.

We are still on the mend, he's eating good, drinking good, sleeping much better, and playing just as hard as ever.

I'm so glad we did it now, to get it over with. I just hope we can keep on this same path to a good recovery!

Get better soon buddy!
We love you!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Feeding the ducks

Every Tuesday Cutler goes to Curiosity Club @ the Tonaquint Nature Center [another post]. And every Tuesday when Lexie & I pick him up we have to feed the ducks. If you live here and know where I'm talking about, this is the best place to feed the ducks! Usually.

Sunday, we took Colby & Noah with us to show them how fun it is there to feed the ducks. There are usually about 50 different ducks and a swan, and you can't feed them fast enough. And sometimes we feed them from the shore but they'll come right out of the water up to you to get the bread so we've started feeding from the balcony. Well, the dang ducks didn't perform. It took us about 20 minutes to get them to finally come over to see why we were there. Normally, the minute you walk over they're on they're way.

Our bread was half way gone before they came out. Frustrating.
But we still had a good time

Tuesday, March 1, 2011