Monday, December 29, 2008

Our 'little' Lexie

Oh where to begin! This weekend flew by faster than I could have ever imagined. But I'm glad it's over and my sweet baby girl is finally here. As you know by now, for journaling purposes this will be a long and semi-detailed post. Enjoy, or skip to the pictures.
Since I was being induced I had to wait for the hospital to call me to tell me when to come in. I figured it would be about 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning before they called and then I would need to hurry over. Friday night Colby and my dad gave me a blessing and we made plans with my mom for the morning. I was up until almost midnight ironing, blogging, and making sure things were ready for me to be gone for a couple of days. Of course I didn't sleep well, or almost at all, and at 4:55 a.m. the phone rang. They wanted me there at 6:00! I don't think I've ever showered and gotten completely ready as quick as I did that morning. And obviously our plans had to change a little bit. My mom came to sit with the boys and Colby & I headed to the hospital.
They got me all hooked up and checked me and I was only dialated to a 2. The Dr. came at 8:30 and broke my water. A couple of hours later I started having pretty good contractions, and at around 11:00 I was at a 4. I told the nurses I would be there all day and probably not even have the baby until later that evening. In my mind, I really thought, or hoped it would be around 3 or 3:30. My contractions started getting pretty good, and only about 3 minutes apart. I asked for my epidural, and 45 minutes, getting pretty mad, and telling Colby to go find out where the anesthesiologist was he finally showed up. I'm pretty sure I was acting like one of those women you see on t.v. when they get really mad and are screaming for their medicine. I was in pain, and did not want to go through this without it. And when he came in he wanted to make friends with me...uh hello! I'm in pain here! He was really nice and professional, and talked me through EVERY thing he was doing. Let me just tell you, I did not enjoy hearing "OK, it's going to poke, now it's going deeper..." and then "Now I'm inserting the tube..." seriously people! I almost told him to just do it without all the details but I was really trying to be nice. About 20 minutes later I felt great! Everyone left, I got a little rest, and at 1:00 the nurse came in to check me and told me I was complete. My mom walked in the room right then and I called Colby to tell him I was going to start pushing.
By now my contractions, that I thankfully could no longer feel, were starting to get bigger and closer. My nurse came to tell me that the girl in the room next to me was ready to start pushing and she was on her 4th kid, so they were going to do her first then come and do me. By the time they got in to me, my contractions slowed down to about every 5 minutes and weren't as big. But we got the job done with no problems. The dr. did show me the placenta and said that it's a good thing we induced when we did because she wasn't getting any nutrients. It was small compared to normal placenta and had calcium build-up all over it. I really didn't want to have a baby this close to Christmas, but I'm so glad she is here and healthy!

Now, enough of the details. Here are some pictures.

Our teeny, tiny Lexie

Cutler was so excited to see me and Colby and the baby. He just wasn't quite sure what was going on. And he would not let his death grip on Colby go.

Noah has been asking about this day for as long as I can remember. He is so excited to have his baby sister here with us now. All he wants to do is hold her and asks when he gets to feed her. He stayed right by her side the whole time he was there and checked out everything the nurses were doing to her.

As wild and crazy as this kid is, he really can be soft.

Notice how big her clothes are on her.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

She's here!

lexie Daun Labrum
arrived today {Dec. 27th} @ 2:34 p.m.
weighing 5 teeny pounds and 9 tiny ounces
measuring 19 inches long

Lexie is the cutest little glad she is here!

What a darling little family!

Check back for more from Tiffany when she and Lexie arrive home possibly Monday.

{posted by Gramma Sherie}

Friday, December 26, 2008


Seeing as how it is 11:30 at night, hopefully by this time tomorrow night I will be holding my sweet new baby girl. They will call me in the morning when they are ready for me to come in, and hopefully it doesn't last all day like Cutler did. The dr. thinks it will, but I'm praying for something different. And hopefully I can get Colby to post when the baby arrives.


As always we managed to have an amazing Christmas! Santa made his stop at our house and left way too much stuff. Noah has already outgrown his bike, so he wanted a new one "with a kick stand". He is a little small for it, but with a little practice he'll once again be a pro.
Cutler too got a bike. His came with all the bells and whistles you would ever want on a bike. Now I just can't wait for it to dry up and get a little warmer so he can enjoy the thing outside.

After we opened presents at home we went over to my parents and had a super yummy breakfast. Then off to Danjanovich's to be spoiled once again. By the time we got done over there it was time for a nap. I have ended up with a stupid head cold, and one by one we are all getting it. So we all needed a little rest. Every year we spend Christmas night with the Labrum's. It's usually quite the production - the 'English' dinner, bon bons, games, songs, the nativity, and of course presents.

Cutler and Rob have quite the little bond, (after all they do share a birthday) so he was entertained for the better part of the night. One of the games is the 'guess how many are in the jar' game, and Cutler won! Yeah Cutler!!

And Noah always gets to play a great part in the Nativity. This year, Joseph.

We are so blessed to have so much family around us to be able to celebrate "...the most wonderful time of the year" with. We hope you all had a great and Merry Christmas!

Carter party

Every year we get together with my mom's whole family for the Carter Family Christmas Party. It also sort of doubles as my grandma's birthday party, which is Christmas Eve. I always look forward to the great food, laughs, and just getting to see almost the whole family. This year we missed only a few, and had a great time.

Each of the kids got to decorate a cookie and then of course eat it. They had so much fun running around and playing with everyone. We thought for sure they would crash by the time we left town, but not our boys. Noah got tired and wanted to go to sleep, but Cutler wouldn't stop jabbering the whole way home.

Oh Cutler!

A couple of random things...

First -
The other day I couldn't find Cutler, which immediately told me he was doing something he shouldn't be. I finally walked into the office to find this...

He had put my glasses on and was drawing. He loves to wear glasses thanks to papa Kent!

Next -
Colby witnessed something for the very first time ever! Cutler didn't have a nap and while we were trying to get ready to go somewhere I put a movie on for him. When Colby walked in the room and saw Cutler asleep he was completely amazed.

I have to say, I've seen it before but only once or twice. The kid loves a movie and unless he's beat tired, will not fall asleep during it.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We have a date!

The dr. actually gave me the choice of when I wanted to have her.I first thought to myself, who wants to have a baby? I mean, actual labor & delivery? I told him Friday, but he's not on call that day. So we narrowed it, thursday, or Saturday. I have things to do today, plus I would probably still be in the hospital on Christmas - not happenin'! Thursday is Christmas - not happenin'! So Saturday it is. I only measured 33 today, and I lost a pound this week. He told me I am starting to go downhill and since she's not growing that we need to get her out. I couldn't agree more!

Now if I can only get my house clean...!

Monday, December 22, 2008

A little bit of our December

In all of our getting ready for Christmas, and now it being crunch time to be ready for the little 'miss', we have been trying to enjoy the holiday as well. Here are some things we have been up to...
At the first of the month Colby & I got to enjoy an evening out at Tuacahn. We went and saw 'The Gift' - a concert put on by Ryan Shupe & The Rubberband, Sam Payne, and Peter Breinholt.

As we all know we got quite the little snow storm last week. All morning while I thought Colby was at work, we found out he was actually home...making these! I'm actually very glad he did, because I was not looking forward to spending the morning trying to build snowmen. He did a great job!! Aren't we such a cute family?!

Cutler loved the snow! I think he thought he was in heaven that day. He played so good and loved making snow angels and eating the snow.

Noah loved not having to go to school that day. And having fun new neighbors to have a snow ball fight with. These two are trying to build a snow fort to hide behind when the big brother throws snowballs at them.

I hope everyone is having as much fun as we are. I have more to post, but I've caught a little cold and I'm tired, so off to bed I go.

And as for baby news...last week I started my weekly appts. I have started dialating, but when he measured me I was only measuring 34 when I should have been at 36. He put me on the monitor to do a stress test, and I now have to do those at every appt. He says that if the baby doesn't start growing, and if things don't change we'll just have to get the baby out. I'm not quite sure exactly what he meant by that...c-section, induce labor, send me to the hospital after my next appt. I don't know. But I go in the morning so we'll see what happens!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Yes, you read that right. No, I did not spell Santa wrong. Cutler totally has this lisp thing going on and it's so funny. Anyway, that's how he says Santa. Some of you will get this picture soon, lucky you. But I had to post it because I thought it turned out pretty cute. Isn't he the best Santa ever?! After all, Noah told me "He is the real Santa!"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another milestone

It seems like everyday Noah is learning to do something new. Which seems weird because he's 6, what more can he possibly learn? Whether it's a school project he has to complete at home, a book he's reading, a word I can hear him sounding out and figuring out how to spell, or a math problem, it seems like every single day he is getting smarter and smarter. Well, he has now officially learned how to tie his shoes! Are we late on this? I always thought they should know how to tie them by Kindergarten, but because we didn't take the time to teach him this summer, he didn't know how. I was dreading teaching him and quite honestly wanted Colby to do it. But I'm the one to get him ready every morning and off to school, so it pretty much fell on me. I have to say, the first couple of days were pretty stressful for me, I'm just not a good teacher. But it really did only take a couple of days and now he does it all by himself and is so proud! I must admit, I'm pretty proud of him too!

Leaf pile

Even though we are only weeks away from the most wonderful day of the year, here in our sunny parts we are definitely not feeling like it's even close to winter. I barely feel the fall air these days. We still have leaves on the trees, and green leaves at that. You can barely see the lights on our tree out front because the leaves haven't fallen yet.

Our neighbors behind us have the biggest Cottonwood(?) tree and I think every leaf that ever falls from it lands in our yard. The other day Colby mowed the lawn and as soon as he got done and came in the house said, "I bet tomorrow all the leaves fall off that stupid tree." He was right. We let them just lay there for a couple of days and finally I decided to rake them up and put them into a pile. Noah & I have been talking about doing it for a week or two now, but it's been wet, or there haven't been any on the ground yet. After listening to the boys fighting and yelling at each other for what seemed like hours, I decided to change what they were doing all together. I went out back and raked up all the leaves into a big pile and let them do what every kid wants to do when they see a big leaf pile...Jump! Roll! Throw! Lay! Whatever they desired, with a few pictures of course.