Saturday, January 26, 2008

Labrum Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Free family tree maker


Sherie said...

Lets call this the Confused-aMeter..cause this would mean that Noah looks more like Tiffany than Cutler looks like Tiffany? I'm thinking the Look-alike Meter needs to look again! Doesn't matter..we all know who we are and we all fit together as a family.. Looks and ALL!! And we've got some Good Looker's dont we?

stefanie said...

That's pretty funny, although I must admit he does look like you in that picture, the way you both are smiling or something. If the meter only knew the story right?!

Jenny said...

These are fun. I must say both of your boys are super cute and a good mix of their parents!

Maren & Danny said...

wow-that gives me the warm fuzzies! Thanks! Both the boys are adorable & just looking you would never know the 'truth'. I might have to try this with our kids...