Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Being a mom is truly the greatest blessing in my life! It's the one thing I knew I wanted to be when I grew up! I honestly didn't ever really see myself doing any other job. And I was fine with that!!
 I love my kids more than anything, and they know it! [just ask them!] 
I don't claim to be the best mom in town, but I try the best I know how. And I have a lot of amazing examples around me, for which I am extremely grateful!!

This year I was completely spoiled with breakfast in bed!! French toast, my favorite!

And for our moms, I made these photo puzzles.
A lot more work than I thought they would be, but totally worth it. There's a different picture for each side of the block. I should have made one for myself while I was at it.

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