Monday, May 21, 2012

2 parties in ONE!

We sort of killed 2 birds with 1 stone.
Shan and his family have moved to Kansas :(
Addi's birthday was in the middle of May!
So when Makayla's family came down to say goodbye to Shan's family, we had a birthday party mostly. But it was intended to be a birthday/goodbye party. I'm just glad it stayed on the happy side!
Pretty much...the kids swam the whole time!

Except for when it was time to sing and eat cake!! [thank you pinterest!!]

It's so sad to think this will be the last time everyone will be together for quite a while! O.K. maybe only until Thanksgiving ;) but we're spoiled and have lived by each other our whole lives.

1 comment:

stefanie said...

mad cake skills Tiff!