Monday, April 28, 2008

Another Doozie!!

Seriously! Is there not a normal bachelor out there? I thought the last one did a completely idiotic thing by not choosing either girl. Now this one is being even more of a moron. I can hardly stand it!! To save myself, and you, from a more than likely very boring post I'm not going to say much about him. You'll have to look here. From the very beginning he has liked...

Amanda: Beautiful. Funny. Sweet. Sincere. It has always been very obvious that she would get a rose.

Going into tonights show there were 3 left.

Chelsea: Cute. Funny. BUT Hard to understand. Not Matt's type.

Shayne: Fake! Dumb!

During the show tonight, Amanda completely and finally opened up. A complete shoe-in for the rose. Chelsea wouldn't even come near him during the day date and then totally threw herself at him in the fantasy suite. SLEEZY!! I can barely watch when Shayne is on because she talks sssooooooooooo sssllloooooooooww, and is the most absolutely fakest thing(does that make sense?) I have ever watched. Oh and all she wants is a piece too. So after watching the most shocking rose ceremony of the whole show... you guessed it!! He didn't give one to AMANDA!!! The only one he should have given one too!! UUGGHHHHH! Can you tell I'm disgusted? I don't even know if I can watch anymore. He's an idiot!! Colby and I have decided that he's only in this for lots and lots of action. There's no way either one of these girls are compatible with him, and you can tell he struggles with both of them. Why do men make such stupid decisions? I'm lost.


Jessica said...

Tiff, I sooooo agree with you. I'd pretty much given up on watching this stupid show but when I heard about the "British Bachelor" I thought it would be different. He seemed like he had his head on straight. I nearly died this morning (I watched this morning since it doesn't come on until 10:00 here) when Amanda didn't get a rose. Chelsea needs help and Shayne is a complete fake! If he ends up chosing her I'll die. I think it's high time for a Bachelorette show. Those are few and far between and always have a better result that the general population is happy with. :)

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

Holy cow you couldn't have said it better. I loved Amanda from day 1 and the other 2 are just totally not his type. I thought FOR SURE he'd send Chelsea home after watching the day date, but nope. What a sleeze. Like she even gos and puts on her sexy wear for him. YUCK! And Shayne... holy crap is faker than fake. I was glad that Amanda told him where to go when she got booted off. Either he's a pure idiot that is gonna get 100% taken advantage of, or he is in it for the action. But then they say he proposes so he must really like her. To bad they aren't in to him. I'm debating if I can give in and watch the final show. I'll be disgusted either way!

The Millers said...

I haven't watched this one at all! But the ones I have watched are so frustrating! They always seem to pick the totally wrong people!

Hillary said...

My favorite girl went home awhile ago, it was Holly. She was the children's book author. When she was sent home I picked out another favorite Noelle, then she was sent home so I liked Amanda. Now he has made it easy for himself a British male sleeze gets a sleeze! Can you believe what Shayne's mom looked liked. Mother like Daughter, Matt if I were you I would run the other way.

Sherie said...

Remember when I was so into this? I haven't watched one epidsode of this one...sounds like I haven't missed just bugs the heck out of know he'll pick the one that is the most shocking..or won't pick one at all, and that will be that. I'm with a comment above...let's get the bachelorette going, the girls know what they want!

Kristen said...

Tiff, I finally gave up bachelor after the last terrible one. You definately need a new reality show to hook on to!!! Might I suggest Survivor! YEA--Kristen

Amy Etherington said...

I just love reading your blog...thanks so much for the good laugh. He is a big dork, and totally into "who knows what". He sure is not looking for a Good Girl or a lasting relationship. Just so you know i am mels and stefs cousin Amy...You sure have a cute family!!!