Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The dentist

Today the kids all had dentist appointments. Thankfully, my kids all love going to the dentist! And they always have. I don't know what I would do if they complained about it.

The dentist office is on 100 S. So whenever we go to Target, or Gap, or pretty much just in town, we pass it. And every time, without fail, Lexie asks when we get to go again. So, the other day, when I told her that we actually had appointments set up, she could hardly stand it. All smiles for days!

Lexie and Noah were good to go. No cavities!!
Cutler wasn't so lucky.
I had actually seen his about a week before we went, but he never complained about it hurting.
I was very happy when Dr. Leavitt asked if he could just fix it right then.
I hate having to make another trip for that.
(I wasn't able to get back into the room to get a picture of Noah)

His numbness lasted for quite a while and we were getting a kick out of it. It actually kinda started to worry me that it was taking so long to wear off. But we took advantage of the laughing moments :)

1 comment:

Sherie said...

You are so lucky that the kids like the dentist! Cutler, I wish I could have seen the numb lip in person! Keep brushing!!