Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The party

Friday, Oct. 21st
I asked Noah,
"instead of having a party at the house with a bunch of kids that I have to clean up after, why don't you just invite a few friends and we go somewhere?"
I gave him a few options and it was done.
Easy peasy.

Laser Mania
None of them had ever been before. Which made it that much better.
Colby and Cutler played too.
I wish I could have gotten a picture of them with all their gear on.
They played 2 games. Noah won both!!
While they played in the dark,
Lexie and I waited in the waiting room.

After laser tag, we hung around and let them play a few arcade games.
Just enough to let them each earn some tickets to get a prize.
Then we headed home for some pizza, presents, and dilly bars.
That's what Noah chose for his treat.
He doesn't LOVE cake.
[me neither]

We all went outside to eat our ice cream and the boys ended up in a silly string fight.
It was pretty funny.

It was a fun little party.
And yes, I still had to clean up after kids.
But they helped.

1 comment:

Sherie said...

What a blast. There's nothing like a party with your friends! Looks like you had a lot of fun!