Sunday, August 16, 2009

The party

Since we were doing Cutler's party on Saturday, I felt like I needed to do something fun for his actual birthday on Friday. After Noah got home from school, I took them to the Dinosaur Museum. They had a ton of fun seeing actual dinosaur tracks. For dinner we celebrated at Cutler's favorite place, Pirate Island Pizza. Then we came home and had him open his presents from us.
He had been wanting a choo choo train party for a while, but when I couldn't really find things to do at the party I convinced him to do the dinosaur thing. He already loves dinosaurs, but I think I got him loving them even more by shoving them down his throat for the past 2 weeks. We decided that a train was one toy we didn't have, so that was his main present. He was in heaven! As soon as he got done opening presents he hurried and had a bath so he could put on his brand new dinosaur pajamas, and play with his train.
Saturday morning we had all of the little cousins over for a great party! (minus the Carter's...we missed you guys!)
We played 'pin the horn on the dino'

Noah won, but look at all the horns.

We dug for dino's in the sand.

At one point every adult was digging to find one.

They bashed the pinata.

the cake.

the wish.

more presents. And dinosaurs are taking over my house!!

Now that the party's over, we officially have a 3 year old.


The McGraths said...

cute party! yeah for 3 year olds!!!

Sherie said...

What a party!...wish we could have been there to dig for dinosaurs! So FUN!...Cutler you have the birthday that keeps on going and going and going!! Friday, Saturday and now Monday! 3 parties for a 3 year old! Yippee!!

stefanie said...

Such a cute party! Love the digging for dinosaurs...very clever!!!

tammylozano said...

How fun what a party!love the pic he is holding three fingers up!!