Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm alive

It's true, I really am alive. I have pretty much just layed around for a week now and can I just say I feel like I have 3 months worth of blogging, laundry, work, and cleaning to do? Colby has been the most awesome husband, actually trying to take care of everything so I didn't worry about it. We have had some great neighbors and lots of family help take care of the boys, and bring meals and we appreciate it so much!!

Last Saturday Colby and the boys ventured into town to the splash pad at town square and this is the boys' new love! They ask him almost everyday if they can go again. Well, Noah asks anyway. So I guess I'm really going to have to give it a try.

Last night we went up to Kolob so Colby and Kent could fish. I was a little worried about going because I had already done a lot that day, and I didn't want to be stuck chasing Cutler around while Colby was out in the middle of the lake. But Cutler did well. I had seen some crawdads in the water so Noah was all about finding those. And all Cutler wanted to do was his very most favorite thing ever...throw rocks! All I really had to do was make sure he didn't go in. We drove the 4-wheeler for a minute, but it got a little cold, and the bugs - oh the bugs! There were just way too many. We got home after 11:00 last night and the boys were absolutely tuckered out!

Now I am just trying to get back into the regular swing of things. Has anyone else ever had their appendix out? Like appendix surgery. Not got them out with another surgery. I totally thought this would be a simple recovery, and I feel like I have a pretty high pain tolerance but this is hard. I've had my gall bladder out, and although the pain from gall stones was 10 times worse than appendix, the surgery recovery is a lot worse.

I better get off the computer and try to get some things done before the boys wake up. I have a ton to get done today. Thanks to everyone who has helped us out, and for all the comments!


Phill, Allie, and kids said...

Glad you are doing better and better everyday! I have never had my appendix out, but I have heard from other people that it is one of the most painful recoveries. Keep up the blogging! I've been missing you.

Brad and Kaci said...

Tiff- I am glad you are doing so well. I got my appendix out in high school. And I remember it being harder than I thought to get back in the swing of things. I can't believe you have already been up in the mountains with your boys. Your a trooper. Anyways, so glad you are feeling better!

Morgan said...

I have never had appendix out, it sounds pretty crummy. Glad you are doing better and that you have lots of help. Still take it easy! :) I know, easier said than done with 2 kids...but at least try!

Amber S. said...

Tiff, I am so glad that you are doing better! That is so awful. I haven't done much blogging lately so I had no idea! Keep getting better and I hope that all is well.

WESTWOOD'S said...

I am glad that you are at least feeling a little better. I hope that it only gets better from here on out. GOOD LUCK!!

WESTWOOD'S said...
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T.K. said...

Yah I'm so glad you're up and moving, and especially back to blogging. Thank goodness your hubby is so awesome huh? It will get better only in time.

Jenny said...

Good to hear you are alive! Hope you feel 100% soon!

Jessica said...

Glad you are up and running Tiff. I can't imagine recoering from any surgery would be very fun. All I've had is a c-section and that was definitley no walk in the park.

Maren & Danny said...

So glad you are getting back to the swing of things. Your boys are getting so big! I love the pic of Noah flexing at the splash pad-what a cutie!

Jen (momofmandm) said...

Those boys are way too cute! I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. I bet that recovery is the pits, especially with 2 little boys to take care of. I hope you are all doing well and we miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Tiff, I'm so glad you're okay. I got my appendix out while I was in North Carolina, and found out I was alergic to percecet after the surgery, it was ugly and hilarious. One of the side effects was my face was stuck in a smile. I'm not kidding, I couldn't move my mouth. I was so embarrassed, and was so miserable. I had a crappy recovery as well, I didn't know if it was because of my weird reactions or what. Anyway, I hope you get feeling 100% soon, and just know I'm thinkin about you. Your boys are just so darling Tiff.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your surgery Tiff, I'm glad to hear everything is okay! Your family is so beautiful!