Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New Furniture

We are very aware that we have way too much furniture for our little home, but we don't care. That just means we need a bigger home!(hint, hint-Colby) At this point, the more the cozier?! Not really, but Colby has had our couches for almost 8 years now and lets just say, they've seen their day. For us anyway. My sis-in-law's brother is getting married and needed some 'cheap' furniture, and what an opportunity for me to get some new. I jumped on it anyway. I still need to find some throw pillows to add a little color, but they are super comfy, and just what I wanted.


.mel. said...

Very Cute! I like 'em!!

The Millers said...

Cute couches! We got your old ones up to Brian and he's excited! Thanks.

T.K. said...

HELP!! Allie & I want to know how you do your music we want MUSIC!! Your couches are cute. It's always fun to get new things huh.

Jenny said...

Very nice new couches. Kurtis and I are looking forward to buying some new furniture here soon too!

The McGraths said...

So cute! I see you already have a Tree up. I set up Christmas a week before thanksgiving. I'm a little anxious this year.

Christan said...

OK Tiff, I'll have you know that my tree and all my decorations are now up at your request (and Bailey's endless nagging). Thanksgiving is over, so now I can officially start to enjoy Christmas!

Jen (momofmandm) said...

Nice couches! I love the. I think I might just tell Colby about that dog of mine and let him come and have it. I hope you love having leather couches, they are great!

Wayne and LaRae John said...

Brian is loving his new furniture,thanks, and yours looks great. Any excuse works, right!?