Sunday, November 11, 2007

I am THANKFUL for...

My husband. This post will come as a total surprise to him because I know he thinks I only think about the little boys in my life... Wrong! Colby is the best husband ever. I honestly don't know what I would do without him, yes I do, go crazy! He cooks when he can see that I have had a not-so-fun day, he'll clean when I've had a not-so-fun day, he takes care of the kids after a not-so-fun day. See a pattern yet? He helps hang things on the walls, he'll wash my car, he helps SOOO much. It's starting to sound like I don't do much so I have to stop listing things he does. He doesn't do 'projects' - which most of you know. It's funny because I grew up doing 'projects' as my family likes to call them, and well, he didn't. So when something needs to be put together, that's my department, but I like it. So today while we are enjoying the sounds of sleeping little boys, I want to tell you honey, I love you! And I am so thankful for all that you do for me and our family!


The Millers said...

It's always nice to remember our sweet husbands. Colby is a great husband and dad!

Jenny said...

I agree, remembering our husbands and all they do is super important!

Tiffany said...

That is so awesome! gOOD FOR YOU cLOBY!Keep it up! I love when Terry helps around the house!

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

Husbands really are the best! Sometimes I feel horrible because if I've had a bad day with the kids I take it out on him, but he usually makes me feel better! Glad you got a good catch!

Sherie said...

I can back all that up and more.
Colby you are a pretty amazing guy.
How lucky are we....

.mel. said...

Oh Colby- your such a nice guy! You earned your very own post!! impressive!

stefanie said...

Husbands are the best...we all seemed to catch great ones in this fam...keep up the good work Colb! ;)

Wayne and LaRae John said...

Wow, Colby, I need to hire you to come show Wayne a few tips! No actually I thought that was a very sweet tribute. By the sounds of it, you earned it! And at this moment my sweetheart is out hanging Christmas lights! Husbands are the best!

Gretchen said...

Hi Tiff, I finally just got your invite to your blog! I just happened to decide to check my junk mail, and there was your invite! Your blog is way cute! Cute, cute little boys!