Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring picture attempt

Let me start by saying this: I do not know how to take pictures.
I don't know much about my camera, lighting, anything!
I really need to take some photography classes.
Now, I don't want to be a photographer, but I love having lots of pictures of my kids,
 so it's a lot cheaper for me [or gramma Sherie:)] to just go and take them.

That being said...
I attempted some Spring pictures of them on my own!
The lighting is horrible. We went at a bad time.
But it is what it is.
And really, I'm glad I have them.


Sherie said...

It's all about capturing their cute smiles..and you did that perfectly! I don't know what I'm doing either in the camera we'll just keep snapping away and have lots of fun pictures to look back on!

Kiesha said...

Lighting, timing, camera, doesn't matter. (Ok, maybe a little:) But the most important thing is the memories, smiles, and times captured! So, so cute.

Makayla & Cory Curtis said...

I think that they are cute. I can't even get my little normal camera to take a good picture. So your lost better than me.