Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wondering what I'm doing up so late?

 Noah puked in his bed so he was laying by the toilet until
he felt good enough to go back to his bed.

Not my idea of an all nighter!

15 months

keeping her happy until the shots

18 lbs. 15 oz. (4%)
30 inches (46%)

Some things for us to remember: this is so long so please don't feel like you have to read it.
  • you love to be outside. you love the sand, the rocks, picking the flowers, and playing with the big kids.
  • every day when I come in to get you out of bed whether it's the morning or after a nap, you have completely emptied your bed. Everything is on the floor.
  • we finally got a picture of the 'cheese' face. you don't make it as much anymore, but you use to make it a hundred times a day.
  • your hair is getting so long, we put piggies in and you look so big!
  • you love books is an understatement. when I come to get you out of bed the first thing you say and do is point to the book shelf and say boo, boo. Sometimes when I can't find you and it's really quiet I just go into your room and you are in your chair reading all of your books.
  • some of the words you're saying are: mama, dad, papa, maama(grandma), boo(book), byebye, bubba(I think is for brother), puppa(puppy), be-ba(belly button) and lots of animal sounds. and you show me about 10 body parts. belly button is your favorite.
  • I get more and more comments about how serious you are from people everywhere. you definately don't smile at just anyone.
  • you are still the worst eater I have ever encountered. your terms only.
  • you're still a pretty big mama's girl. I love it.
  • you love climbing on and in everything. at least once a day I find you standing in the pantry on the pepsi box.
  • you love the bath(with cutler), but hate getting out and getting dressed.
  • I'm holding on to the 2 naps a day, but you're not. I'm pretty sure we'll be getting rid of the morning nap soon.
  • you still have to have a warm bottle of milk to go to sleep. I hold you, you drink, you give it to me when you're finished, I put you in bed, you go to sleep.
  • you sleep on your belly with your knees up under your belly...like a little bug. it's so cute!
  • you now have 8 teeth, and I'm pretty sure your cutting some more right now. runny nose, lots of drool, and pretty whiny...just a guess.
  • dr. says not to worry about your eating ( the last 2 appts. he has warned me that he was going to do tests on you if you didn't start gaining weight. I guess your whopping 3 1/2 lb gain in 6 months did the trick.)
It's sad to watch you get bigger,
but I love all the new things you are learning.
I love you sweet baby girl.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Kids' handprints

On our anniversary gramma Sherie watched the kids so we could go to dinner & a movie. I don't remember the last time we were able to do both in one night. While we were gone she was very busy with the kids creating these...

Oh my, the pictures do them absolutely no justice. I have added some ribbon to hang them from and now I just have to find the right spot to hang them.

They're gone

The past couple of days have been bitter-sweet for me. My parents left yesterday morning on a 6 month service mission to Florida. My dad will be doing mostly electrical repairs on approximately 80 homes that are on the church farm there. My mom, we think, will be doing tours of the farm, and humanitarian work.
My dad has been talking about going on a mission for a long time, and my mom just sits and listens, and smiles, not quite sure she's ready for that part of her life yet. But it's here, and they're gone. With work here being very slow, it's probably the best time for them to leave the business and let Shan completely run it. My mom on the other hand, isn't quite sure she's ready to be away from the family...grandkids' birthdays...our summer get togethers...her parents and sisters...but as she said in her talk last week, there's a time for everything, and I believe this is their time.
On Sunday before they spoke, we had a little family luncheon. Of course the food was yummy, simple, but yummy. Then we had a mini photo session.
My mom(in the middle) with her 2 sisters, and her parents

Late this afternoon (after meetings in SLC all day) they began their journey across the country. They have to drive so they can take all the stuff they'll need, and also they have to have a car out there.
We are hoping (and trust me, it's a big hoping) that we can go out and visit them during the summer. My dad thinks they're only 50 miles from Disney World, so that's a plus!!

I'm sad that they're gone, but it's only 6 months, and I know they're doing the right thing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Cutler's latest

I just have to write this down. For the last little while, sometimes while riding in the car...sitting at the dinner table...outside playing...or just any random time, Cutler will say..."mom, I need tell you sumping..." (he still has a little speech problem)
I say "yes Cutler?"
"mom... I.. love.. you!"
He really can be such a sweet little boy.

Also, yesterday we were out running errands and I had gotten mad at him for something. I can't remember what. He was sad and was doing his little fake/sad/whine/cry. After a few minutes of driving in silence, except for the whiny cry, he said to me..."mom, can you be nice to me?"
Oh, it broke my heart. I felt bad for getting mad at him.

I've really been struggling with him lately. He has his own little mind and it's already made up. He wants to do what he wants to do and nobody is going to get in his way. Oh, he makes me so mad some days. He's the most stubborn person I've ever been around, next to my dad. (It's so true. Even he tells Cutler he reminds him of himself as a little boy.) Cutler wants to eat what he wants, and when he wants. Same story with going potty. He never had accidents until just lately. He holds it until the very last mili-second, like he's going to miss out on something if he goes in the other room for 5 seconds. And I swear the only reason he doesn't want to go, is because we tell him to. I have a feeling life with this little boy is going to be one huge roller coaster.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

10 years

Today would be their 10 year anniversary.
Happy Anniversary!

The Verdict is in...

Our brother-in-law Reagan, has been going to medical school out in Kentucky for the last 4 years. I can't believe it's been that long, but it really has gone by quick. For us, anyway. Today was match day and they found out they will be moving back across the country(sort of) to Dallas, Texas. And he will finish his medical school career at UT Southwestern, where he will become an Anesthesiologist.
We are so excited for you guys to be a little bit closer!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring break

St. George is a funny place when it comes to March weather. It's spring break for the whole state at different times of the month. And the weather is just so unpredictable. Everyone up north escapes to the south hoping for the sun to shine. We(my family) stay here hoping the sun will shine. This year...it didn't.

Picture this...a whole week + a day out of school; a 7 year old who loves school; a 3 year old who loves school, and also loves when his brother is home all day to play with; a 7 year old who wants to play with his friends; and both who love being outside. Oh ya, and a mom who can't quite entertain all...day...long...!
What's the problem?

it rained.

So we spent some time playing games, dressed for winter(winter here)
and the boys learned a new chore. emptying the dishwasher.
Lexie likes to help too.

I think we managed one or two days of sunshine.
So the kids got to do their favorite thing outside, climb in the tree.

Now school is back in, and we have sunshine!! Today hit 73 and we all have sunburned arms and faces. Aahhh, I love the sun!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

6 years

Happy Anniversary to us!!
On this day, 6 years ago, I married my best friend. Truly. Sounds cliche. But it's true.
I've never really thought of him as my bff, until this last year. (I've always thought of the girls I grew up with. Just never put it all together.)
I tell him everything. I share every thought, every word, and every action from the day with him. Sometimes, it's a little too much information.
But I share everything.
He's my everything.

and so is this

Thursday, March 11, 2010

[project] get your sock on!

I'm pretty sure most of you who read my blog know our story. 
Natalie, Colby's first wife, died from a blood clot that went to her lungs. March is National DVT Awareness month, and so Sherie, Natalie's mom, has asked us all to embellish a sock. It's funny how everyone's sock really does show their personality.
I used to think I was a creative person, not so much anymore. Because of that I relied a lot on Sherie to help me with mine. She also went ahead and had ideas for the boys' too.
Last night we finally made it over to her house to [project].

Here's what we came up with!!

Noah loves the outdoors.

                                           Cutler makes sure to leave his handprint EVERYWHERE he has been.

We have a rainbow story. (Colby, Natalie, and I) I've never shared it on here. Maybe one day. Sherie drew the stick figures. Me and Natalie, an angel, holding hands. You can't see it very well in the picture. For me, it says "we're in this together." 
And we are! 

If you want to learn more, or even do a [project] click the link on my sidebar.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6 years ago today

I came here...
 for the first time to receive my own endowments.

Kind of a funny anniversary...but for me it was such an important day.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Dave!

We hope it's a great one!!