Monday, November 30, 2009

11 months

Our baby girl is almost a year old. I totally canNOT believe it.

Things I want to remember:

~She finally started waving. But it has to be on her terms~
~About 2 days ago she finally started clapping on her own, too~
~Her 4th tooth, top right, finally broke through on Nov. 17th~
~She's getting 2 more top teeth right now~
~She is the worst eater. I'm hoping it's because of the teeth, and she grows out of it~
~She'll stand all by herself for about 10 seconds, until she realizes noone is helping her, then she v.e.r.y.s.l.o.w.l.y lowers herself to the floor~
~She walks along things, and when someone is holding her hands~
~She points with all 4 long skinny fingers together~
~We are very slowly weaning from formula. I just bought 3 giant cans, we're down to 1 1/2 so we're taking our time.~
~I don't know how to get rid of the bottle. Or the bink. Not sure I'm ready to get rid of the bink. I know she's not!~


Elisa said...

Seriously, I can't believe that first year goes by so fast! They become busy little toddlers all too fast!

susiefarns said...

She is so cute. I love her face in that picture.

Kiesha said...

Sad. I can't believe how fast time flies! She is soo adorable! Davin is a hoRriBlE eater and he is 18 months! I keep saying he'll grow out of it. Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! Hope everything is going good!

.mel. said...

I can't believe she's almost a year old either! craziness!

Tiffany said...

She is so cute!!! I can't believe how big!! BTW pretty family pics Tiffany did a great job! Is that the same Tiff that worked with us?

Tiffany said...

Was her name Tiffany? I know there was another blonde that did.

Kaymee said...

WOW!! can't believe it!! such a cutie!!!