Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Macee, Macie, or Lexie?

So these are the names we have finally narrowed it down to. Obviously I can't quite decide how to spell Macee/Macie (I can't even type it without doing both). Colby doesn't like telling, but I'm tired of not being able to call her something other than 'baby'. Noah likes Macee/Macie, but Colby and I have always liked Lexie, and since I threw that back in there last week, he's sold on it. I kind of see her being named the first, but I have to admit - I'm stumped! Her middle name will be Mae, after both of our grandma's. What do you think? Which do you like better, and see us having in our family?


Hillary said...

those are way cute names. I really like Lexie, but mark says he likes Macie better! You should post a picture of your cute belly!

Jodi Hansen said...

I would have to vote for Maycee,(that's how she spells it) cause that is my nieces name and she is the cutest girl I know!

Lindsey R said...

Tiff I love both names! I think I like Lexie the best! But they both are really cute and I can totally see you guys have a little girl with either name! Sorry, Im no help.

Kiesha said...

Those are both super cute! I think my vote is going to go for Macie I also liked how they spelled it Maycee thats cute too! Good luck with the naming it's a pain.

The McGraths said...

Ok, I feel like I blew the secret! Sorry! I like the way Lexie Mae Labrum sounds. It's cute and has a ring to it. But as a proud Aunt of Macy Lane and MAcie Kate, Macee Mae Labrum sounds pretty darn cute too. Sorry, I blow the secret and I'm no help!

Staci... said...

I love both of them! Lexie Mae and Macie Mae so cute! I am leaning more for Macie Mae! But they really are both WAY CUTE! Cute options!!

the johansen's said...

I prefer Macie. I also knew a girl named Macy (that's how she spelled it) and she was super cute! I'm so excited, she'll be here before we know it!

susiefarns said...

If you want my 2 cents, Macie. It's a totally cute name. I'm not a big fan of the double EE, hence why Sydney's name is spelled traditionally. By the way, her middle name is also Mae after my grandma.

Tiff and Ryan said...

i vote for Macie Mae Labrum....dar dar...way dar dar....Love u tiffarooni

Tiffany said...

Macee! I Love that one!!

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

I love Macie and always have! Good luck!

Makayla & Cory Curtis said...

I know that I am no help at all because I really liked Macie and then you brought out Lexie and now I don't know. You have always loved Lexie. Good Luck. No matter her name I can't wait for her to get here.

The Millers said...

I like them all. Good luck! Deciding on a name is the hardest!

Jessica said...

Macie was one of our final 3 names too and I love it! I've also seen it spelled Masie. So excited for you guys! It's great having a girl!

Sherie said...

OK...Kent loves Macee...and I think I'm leaning toward Lexie. I think Lexie Labrum is OH so fabulous...whatever her name, I can't wait to meet her and give her LOVES!

Jen (momofmandm) said...

Lexi Mae is darling, but I have to say that I quite like the sound of Maycie Mae myself. How in the world do you decide? I don't think I should have anymore kids because I can't choose any names. See this is the trouble that you get when your names are both so cute. I hope you are doing well. I miss you guys and the George. I can't wait to see pictures of what she looks like. She is going to be so darling no matter what her name is. Good luck with that!

Jenny said...

I like them all. My favorite is Lexie Mae.

Kristen said...

The official vote from Cedar City is Lexie all the way. (All five votes!!!) Malia thinks it's great that she will have the same middle name after one of the same great-grandma's. Yea for Lexie Labrum!

Michelle said...

I like Lexie. I like the sound of Lexie Labrum, for whatever that's worth.

Sarah said...

I like them both! I think they both sound darling when you say the full name! Will you send me your e-mail? Mine is sarahkubie@gmail.com

Gretchen said...

I LOVE both of those names. I am a little partial to LEXIE because that is my sis. I love that you spelled it with an 'E', too. So many people just spell it Lexi and it just doesn't look finished. I really, really wanted to name my little Sadie Lexie, but my sister Lexie wasn't going for that...so her middle name is Alexis (after Lexie). I had to get the name somehow because I just love it! I have always loved Macie though. I like it spelled both ways, too. I feel for you in the whole naming thing. It has got to be one of the hardest things to do. We had such a hard time this last baby. Good luck! Either way she will be absolutely darling with a darling name!!

Kaymee said...

I like both too! I think Macie Mae Labrum sounds cute and it seems to go with the others- Noah, Cutler and Macie!! I am so exctied to you! lets see a profile belly pic :)