Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To tape or not to tape?

First of all, nobody take offense to this post. It's my personal opinion and it's about me, and my belly button.

I have an inny. It's not super deep, but it's an inny. I actually like my belly button, besides the scar right above and right below it thanks to surgeries. But you normally don't even see those. Anyway, that's beside the point. Most pregnant women get an outy as they get bigger. (This is where I don't want anyone to get offended) I personally think outies are ugly. I guess I'm just partial to mine. I do not love looking at pregnant bellies only to see a belly button poking through the womans shirt. So, when I was pregnant with Cutler I was so worried about mine poking out. It never did. It got flat, but nothing more. This pregnancy is completely different. Here I am, 6 months into it, that's right, 3 more months to go and I already have an outy!

The dang thing itches, the scar on the bottom is getting super sensitive and starting to really hurt. I just don't think mine is suppose to go out. I am seriously contemplating taping the thing down.

This is where I wonder... To tape, or not to tape?
*And no, this is not my belly!*


Jenny said...

I have this fear too. I have not had an outy yet, but then we will see what happens the next go around. I say TAPE ON! I think you have to do whatever makes you feel happy, especially when you are preggo.

**I heard Band-aids work great!

Elisa said...

I've heard of people using bandaids too. My belly button just went flat last time too, so I'm waiting to see what will happen with this pregnancy.

stefanie said...

You make me laugh!! I think I'd go for the tape if it were me...luckily I haven't had to deal with an outy!

Jean said...

No tape, adhesive is bad for the skin!!! I know about this first hand and if I had the time I would write you a novel about my experience with adhesive or any kind of acrylates. just take my word for it!!! Please

.mel. said...

Oh my heck, your funny! I have heard the band-aid thing too, probably a better idea than tape!

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

You are so stinkin' funny. Personally, my belly button doesn't bother me as an outty when I am pregnat. Luckily it goes right back in after birth. But if it bothers you... tape or band-aid away!

Morgan said...

My belly button popped out LONG before I was even showing. I was very self concious about it and did tape it (band-aid)a time or two. It went back to normal after having Gracey.

With Emily, it popped out again....sadly though it never went back in. I have a hernia right there that they won't fix until I am done having kids. It doesn't poke through my shirt but it is definitely isn't the "innie" I once had.

I don't see the problem of sticking a band-aid on it, especially if it rubs on your shirt and stuff.

Kiesha said...

Your sO FunNy! But I totally understand..everyday when I woke up I would check mine to see if it popped out becuase it kept looking like it was going to but it never did. So I totally understand your concern but I guess I haven't ever really thought about taping it! Thats so funny!

Hillary said...

You should do whatever is going to make you feel better about yourself. I have never heard of this before. I knew the poked out but I had never heard of putting band aids on them. What a great idea!

Lindsey R said...

Haha you crack me up! I say go for it if that's what you want to do! I was lucky mine never poked out but if it does on my next, I just might tape it down too!

Tiff and Ryan said...

Ha ha....thought the same with my belly button during pregnancy...I used to flatten mine with a Bandaid! yes I used a Bundt Cake pan and used a TON of icing to make it tall...ha ha

Sarah said...

Interesting...the skin around my belly button has gotten really tight but it hasn't poked out yet. My belly just started really sticking out last week though. I think band-aids are a great idea!

patty said...

You are so funny Tiff. You might want to use baby oil at night if it is sore.Band-aids in the day if you want. I'm sure you look cute as can be any way. I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see your beautiful litte girl.

Kaymee said...

Um, I taped mine for a while, but then it jsut got annoying so I stopped and didn't care anymore!!!! and, bandaids poke out more than tape bc of the white pad thing :) good luck!!

T.K. said...

I'm with you TAPE IT UP girl!!

The Millers said...

Funny Tiffany! Mine has never poked out, but I always think it will. And I say tape the thing, who wants it showing through your shirt!