Thursday, May 9, 2013

Teacher appreciation

Each year is different for teacher appreciation. Every year it really depends on the room mom. This year, I've been a part of every class activity for Cutler's class, and I've loved it! Noah's class on the other hand hasn't had as much celebrating.  I personally think we should be able to choose what we give, and or if we give something. I always will, but I don't like being told what to do!

So…Noah's class didn't give out assignments. We got to choose what we wanted to give Mr. Griffiths.
We went the easy, and most favorite route…Jimmy John's!
Every teacher LOVES it, so it works :) 
+ a note from Noah

Cutler's class is a lot more organized, and it probably is better for Kindergarten. Because of the kids who were in the class, and the level of non-participation in certain events, some of us got to participate more ;) This week, the room mom gave each kid a letter of the alphabet (or in our case 2) and we had to give her something that started with that letter. 
We got K + Z. 
For 'K' we got Mrs. Snow a gift card to Krave.

For 'Z' we had to get a little more creative. We wanted to get her a plant with the saying 
"Thanks for helping me grow this year!"
So, we found a Zonal Geranium.
It worked!

Both of my boys loved their teachers this year, and as the mom, I loved them too. 
Our school has some of the best teachers in the whole city!
I am incredibly grateful for all the time they put into teaching my kids, 
and helping me raise them!

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