Friday, August 23, 2013

This can't be good

I've had swollen legs/feet before with my other pregnancies, but nothing like this time around. Not sure if it's the heat or what, because Cutler was born in August too, but some days it's so bad I literally have to lay down and hope they go back down. Dr. Rogers doesn't ever seem too worried about them. All I know is I'm miserable! I had a doctor appointment a few hours after these were taken, and I really hoped he would have an answer for me as to how to relieve it. But he didn't.

And today when I came out of my appointment, some knot head parked right next to me, I mean right. next to me. I literally could NOT walk between the two cars. I was already upset because I was really hoping the doctor was going to send me over to get started, and then I couldn't even leave when I was done. I'm a very stubborn person, and wasn't about to climb in the other side and across the seats, so I waited. I waited for almost an hour, and still nobody came to move their car. So I had to go through the other door. Which was not easy, and I was NOT happy about it. I was so annoyed with being pregnant at that moment, I wanted the person to come so I could make them feel really stupid about what they did.

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