Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter: part 2

The Easter Bunny found us.

A little bit of the egg finding. Our kids are so on top of it, by the time I get the camera ready
they've already found most of the eggs.

It was kind of weird this year. We had stake conference so... no church.
I know...that's not the right answer, but it is what it is.

Easter: part 1

Let me start by saying...
our car was in the shop last week
My camera was left in the car, so...
We had to use our video camera for the neighborhood egg hunt.
So everything is on video except these few pictures.

We do a neighborhood easter egg hunt with either breakfast or dinner.
We've done both now. They both were great!
We love our street. There's a ton of kids and for the most part they all play very well together.
All ages.

This year we did a hot dog dinner. We had so many hot dogs left over we tried to have the kids do a hot dog eating contest. Noah & Cutler both were in it.
I didn't hear who won, but I think both boys ate their hot dog limit for the week!

On Saturday, our ward had an activity out at one of the bishopric member's farm. We did an egg hunt and lunch. It was one of the best activities we've ever had. There was such a huge turnout.
We hid over 400 eggs, thinking each kid would get a hefty basket full...
we were wrong.
Noah & Cutler each only got about 5 - 8 eggs.
Lexie was in the youngest group so she got more.

They had a little barrel train ride to entertain.

A horse to ride

And a tire swing to ride

After the party we went on a razor ride. This is by far the best toy we have!!! We went out to Gunlock and rode up towards Enterprise. Very first thing was to cross this river.
Doesn't look too bad...
Until you get up to it and start going through it...
The water came up over the sides.
The kids thought this was so cool.
They wanted to go back through it on our way back.
We had so much fun!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Funny kids

I sent the kids out to take some mail down to the box for me the other day.
It was taking an extra long time so I walked out to check on them.

Here's why the 100 foot walk took 20 minutes

I had to do a little bit of ironing the other day. When I walked back down the hall to put my stuff away, Lexie was in her room ironing. I love that she watches me and wants to do what I do.
I hope it lasts forever;)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bobcat report

I'm not gonna lie...
I can't believe these 2nd graders have to do so many reports.
I think I did my first report in 5th grade.

Noah got to choose from a list of animals to do his report.
He chose the Bobcat

They put together a power point during school, and did all of the research there too.
We just had to put together this poster so they could show their work in the hall.
His teacher emailed me his power point, and I can't believe he put it together by himself.
He got a 4, which is the highest points possible!!
Way to go dude!!!

Red Cliffs

A few weeks ago...
on one of our Sunday afternoon outings...
We ventured up to the Red Hill. Mostly to take the kids up to the narrows part. Colby thought they would love it. Our kids, all of them, love anything outdoors. We think that's a good thing.
And they did love it.

And here's the proof that I can still fit!!
I was honestly nervous. There was a couple just ahead of us that turned around.
When I saw them coming back, I thought there's no way I'm gonna fit.
Colby couldn't make it and I had him take Lexie with him.
The boys and I hiked all the way up.
The Loved it!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sickness and injury

We were doing pretty good...until the night before Cutler got his tonsils out, Lexie got pink eye.
About a week or two later we thought Cutler got it. His eyes were red, and hurt him, but never goopy...until one day he was playing with the neighbors and their mom brought him home.
[It's never a good thing when the doorbell rings and when you open the door, your child is there with the mom of his friends, and all the friends. I immediately thought the worst.]
His eye was goopy. So we started drops. Then he started with a runny nose...and sneezing...a lot. And it seemed to never go away. His eyes stayed red, but the goopy-ness went away. We finally decided he has allergies...we think.

And now...
I took him into the dr. the other night because he was breathing scary. Short shallow breaths. I'm sorry...anything to do with breathing freaks me out. I don't mess around with it. I'm sure the dr.'s think I'm crazy.
They think he might have asthma, but called it bronchiolitis, which seems to be more likely. He has this nasty cough to go along with it. So we get to do breathing treatments...every 4 to 6 hours. He doesn't love it.

The poor kid can't catch a break!

And then there's Lexie...
Last week she crashed on the road...
on her wiggle car.

It stayed fat until the next afternoon.
And it bled.
She didn't love that she had an owie
on her lip.

And yes, we were in our winter coats that day.
It was cold.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Boys Soccer

Oh boy... it's been almost a month since the boys have started soccer. It has been so much fun watching both of them learn and become better in sports.

We took last year off from sports...and it was a nice break. But we needed some more outdoor, running around, getting our energy out things to do!

This year we can really tell he's growing up. When it comes to sports he's a little more 'into' the game. I think soccer is going to be his sport. He loves running around the field, chasing the ball. He's gotten a lot better at controlling the ball, not being afraid to get in there and get it away from the other players, and hustling. He's awesome!! And so much fun to watch!

I think he's even learned to watch his team to see what he needs to do and he's learned good sportsmanship. Not that he's ever been a bad sport, but you can just tell he's growing up.
And it's fun to watch!!

Oh.My.Word. Can I just say...watching Cutler's team is about the most entertaining thing we do all week. He's got to be the oldest one on his team, you can just tell they don't give a hoot about what they're suppose to be doing out there. Almost every game, Cutler plays the whole time because the other kids don't want to, or they need a break. But Cutler can run up and down the field for 25 minutes straight and not care.
His first game he was a little timid, not quite sure he should take the ball from the other kids, and maybe afraid to kick them?? That changed very quickly! This last week he scored 7 goals. And that's becoming the norm! He has never played any organized sport before, he's just too young. He was so excited when he found out I signed him up for soccer. Once in a while he'll pull out the little goal I bought and practice but not really. He can control the ball, and run fast. A great combination!

I love watching my boys learn new things and do things they enjoy!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday...

to the most fun, entertaining, involved, hard working,
best dad & husband ever!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's been a year!!

Yesterday, April 4th, my parents left their mission home in St. Cloud, Florida to come home!!! I can't believe they've already been gone a year. It has flown by so fast! It has helped that we went out there, they came home for Chad's wedding, and I talked to my mom at least once or twice a week on the phone. That's one great advantage the Couple Missionaries have.

I asked my mom if they were going to be able to get everything home. She said they're crammed in the car then sent me this picture
This is from the front passenger seat of the car looking back. Ha!! My word it takes a lot of stuff to live for a year. Not to mention all the things they've bought too. She said they had a little 10" x 18" cooler that they couldn't fit in so they left it with the other missionaries.

Today she sent me this picture on the road
These are from her phone so they're not that great. But look how green and pretty.
They're taking their time and doing some sightseeing, but I told them not to forget where they're headed...

I can't wait to see them. Cutler prays for them in EVERY prayer that they'll travel safe. All the kids are so dang excited for them to get here.
Hopefully we'll see them by Saturday.

Mountain Meadow

One of the things Noah has to do for scouts is visit a place of importance in our community. Any place. We like these 'requirements' because it gives us all something to do. Especially on a lazy boring Sunday afternoon.

We wanted to go far enough away that maybe...just maybe Lexie would take a nap. It worked!! We drove up to the Mountain Meadow Massacre sight. I had been there before, but hadn't ever gotten out of the car. Just drove up to it. Same for Colby. So it was a learning experience for us all.

Of course on the way up the little trail the boys can't just walk. They have to be entertained...

The MMM is one of the saddest things to ever happen right here, 30 miles up the road. And knowing that the mormons played a big part in the massacre is just heartbreaking. I have a testimony of the gospel, and nothing can ever make me 'wonder' if it's true. I know it is. But...I can totally understand why so many people, having heard this story, could wonder how we are good people. was a good experience learning about it and helping Noah understand it.

And then we had to take some pictures before we left, because I didn't think of it up at the monument.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just because

I know I'm dumb, but I love Sundays, when I get to dress Lexie up and curl her hair and make her look like 'a princess' as she says.
She only lets me do it on Sunday, and we're pushing it at that.
So I just had to take her picture a couple of weeks ago when I got her all ready. This is my favorite dress of hers right now, it's only a 12 - 18 month but it still fits, and I'm holding on as long as I can!

And I've finally come to the conclusion I need a new fancy camera.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Birthday...


The great big 3 - 0! Wish we could have been there for a huge celebration!!
(like I said, maybe at 40!)