Thursday, January 28, 2010

The toy box

For the first year of a childs life I don't believe they really need a lot of toys, but with Lexie's birthday and Christmas being just 2 days apart, I knew that would quickly change. So for the past month and a half, one section of her room looked like this...

While we waited patiently for this to be built...

Her room is still very crowded, but at least now we have someplace to put all the toys. I asked my dad to build it for her birthday. He's so talented when it comes to building and creating something, but along with that talent comes pickyness. (nice word, I know) It's true. He's the pickiest man I know when it comes to certain things. And especially things he makes for other people. Which is why we just barely got it.

Thanks Dad!! I love it! And so does Lexie.


Sherie said...

WOO is fabulous! And even more special because it was made with love from her grandpa! It's perfect! Lucky Lucky Lexie!! hmmmmm wonder if your dad hires out?!

Jenny said...

Can I have him make me a duplicate next time we are in Utah?? It is darling!

The McGraths said...

So cute! I didn't know your dad was so talented.

Lindsey R said...

your dad is so talented! that toy box is darling!

Phill, Allie, and kids said...

I LOVE it Tiff! Very cute! I wish I had some wood talent in my family! Lucky girl!

The Millers said...

Very cute! I love the little book shelf on the back.