*Today during church I'm sitting in R.S. and there's about 5 minutes left. All of a sudden I see Cutler's head poke in. So I go out in the hall and Colby said he pooped so they came and got him from class. I took the diaper bag to him, then we decided since church was pretty much over we would just go get Noah and go home. As we're walking out the doors Noah says:
"It must be fast Sunday today."
It is fast Sunday today Noah, how did you know? (feeling very proud that my 5 year old knew what fast Sunday was.)
"Because we're getting out of church
Colby and I started laughing so hard, it's a good thing we were going outside so we didn't disrupt the ending classes.
*We have pretty much decided that it's time to potty train Cutler. I normally wouldn't start for probably a couple more months but lately as soon as he either
pees or
poops he takes his diaper off. This was only happening at night when we would leave him in his bed, and we started wrapping tape around his diaper so he couldn't get it off. He has now started doing it all day. Today he did it 3 times, 2 with poop. I am so tired of seeing poop not only smashed on his sore little bum from the diaper but also from seeing it on my bedroom floor, his bed, and the newest today on the back patio and toy box out back! AAAAGGGGGHHHH! Colby and I are hoping that since he has been doing this maybe potty training won't be so bad and he'll catch on really quick. On the other hand, we've decided nothing happens quick and without a fight with this child.
So were off to Disneyland and a week of wonderful vacation. Wish us luck next week when the hard, messy work begins!