Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend

Oh...what a weekend! It was one of the best camping trips we've been on, honestly.
We pulled the trailer up to Gray's Ranch on Thursday night, then went back up Friday and stayed just one night. With the Razor, we can't take everything up at once so we have to make multiple trips. [We've gotta get a toy hauler!!]
While we were setting things up and getting everything out and ready to use,
Lexie was in the trailer on 'bug patrol'. She's good at that.

We did a little hanging out...
Check out Lexie's hand-me-downs from the boys!! Ha!

and some sittin' by the fire
with a little s'more lovin'!!

Without fail...someone always catches a grasshopper...or two...or three.

And lately, Lexie is not a fan of getting her picture taken.


And we have a couple of [Sharp Shooters] who's new loves are the BB gun and the 'Machine Gun', Colby's automatic .22
Fun Times!!
Noah's shooting at the little bird at the very top of the tree.

We loaded up a little earlier than planned, but we had some things to take care of. And the weather was starting to get a little gnarly. Sunday was the worst we heard. I'm so glad we came home when we did.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

You know it's summer break when...

We go from this...

to this...

Like I've said before...
the boys love it and beg for it for a month. Usually I do it a week or two after school gets out. This year we barely made it to the day after.

Preschool Graduation...again

May 25
Even though Cutler graduated again from preschool, he still has another year of it. Poor kid. He could go to Kindergarten this year, but he would be the youngest kid in his class...forever! I don't think that's good for boys. And I wouldn't say he's totally ready for it either.

This year he went to Ms. Kathy's Preschool. This cute lady who does it in her basement. Cutler says "Ms. Kathy says she's 5, but she's really not" with the cutest little smirk on his face. He loved her, and I thought about sending him somewhere else next year, but figured...why? He learned a lot this year, he loves her, and she already knows him and his personality. Let's not make someone else try to figure this kid out! So he'll go back in the fall. And I can't wait to see what else he learns!

All of the kids that go to Ms. Kathy's. The front row is the morning class, and the back is afternoon, Cutler's.
This was her 25th graduating class.

My camera was doing something funky, so some of these are really blurry. But I loved this one showing him singing all the songs.

 He waited...and waited...and waited to get his book. He was the very last one.

 Ms. Kathy & Cutler

Getting his 'congratulations' talk from dad 

After the little program we had a picnic.

 Cutler and his little friend Max.

 I love this! Ms. Kathy measured them when school started and then again at the end of the year.

Cutler wants to start Kindergarten so bad. He's been told all his life he gets to start school when he's 5. So he's not totally understanding why he doesn't get to start this year. We tell him just enough to answer the question and move on to something else.
One day he'll thank us.

Royals baseball

This year Noah's baseball team is the Royals. So far he loves it! He has a great coach who used to coach high school baseball in Vegas, so he knows what he's doing and he's trying his best to have patience, but mostly to 'teach' the boys.
Noah has learned a lot this year. So far he has played almost every position, but he says his favorite is pitcher. It's actually machine pitch, but he stands by it and plays the spot once they've hit. And he's really good at it. I'm not surprised. He's really good at almost everything he does.

The only thing he has to work on is not running after ALL the balls. They play all the boys in the outfield at once. So there's 12 boys out running after the ball. So it's not only him, they all need to work on it.
Also this year they made the teams by area, so he's got some of his friends on his team, which hasn't really been the situation in the past.
We love watching him play, and learn, and get better. He says baseball is his favorite sport. I hope it stays that way. I love watching baseball! And I love watching him play!!


This is just a post to remind us of our nightly prayer routine.
It's quite funny actually.

Every night we say family prayers in Cutler's room. Don't know how or why it's in there but it is. And both the boys whine and moan and drag theirselves in there... every night.
But the minute we say 'time for prayers' Lexie runs as fast as she can into his room, and climbs on the bed for the oh so coveted spot. Not sure why it is...but it is.
And then there's usually some more whining and moaning and a little fight.

Colby and I just laugh. And we try to convince Cutler that if he wants that spot, he's got to jump and run as soon as we say.
He never does.
We've tried to make them alternate nights, but it doesn't always work out.
Oh the joys of taking turns, saying prayers, raising kids!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Noah's Pinewood Derby

The pinewood derby couldn't come fast enough at our house. Last month at pack meeting they handed out the cars. I'm not sure if Noah or Cutler was more excited. Maybe it was Colby?!?
For the past 3 1/2 years, my calling has had something to do with scouts. So I've had to be at pack meeting every month. And every year the whole family comes to see what it's all about.
Last year was no different. Colby had to go to get some ideas for this year.

Colby spent some time on the internet looking up cars to get some ideas. When they found one that looked similar to this one...it was the one!

There was still about 20 minutes before the racing started, but Cutler couldn't hardly stand it. He ended up moving down to the finish line where all the action was.

My dang camera. See...I need a fancy schmancy one!! [wink.wink.]
This was the best picture I could get, and his car is last. But actually took 3rd this race.
He never did take first...darn it!

They gave each boy an award...Noah's was for
'Best Driver'.
His car was the only one with a person in/on it.
My dad helped with the construction of the car...
Thank you Grandpa!!!
And he and my mom were able to come watch the races.
It was a lot of fun. Especially having our own car involved.
We can't wait for next year!!

Happy Birthday...


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Megan's baptism

Staying somewhere other than home, is getting interesting. Lexie is too big to sleep in the playpen, and hotels don't have 3 beds! This last weekend we tried something new...
And it worked!!
Lexie slept with the boys
all night.
I'm pretty sure Noah didn't get much sleep, but nevertheless, it worked.

On Saturday, May 7, Megan was baptized by her dad
and confirmed by my dad, Grandpa Miller

Noah is just 6 months older than the other two. Carson will be baptized next month.

 All of the grandkids on our side, except Peyton. We were so sad they couldn't make it up there.

Megan and her mom

These two played for 2 days straight! Lexie didn't want to leave Addi...at all!
They acted like they were long lost best friends. It was so cute!!

We were so excited to watch Megan be baptized and confirmed a member of our church. And you could see how excited she was, too. It was so fun being around [almost] our whole family for this special day in her life.

Happy Birthday...

Papa Kent!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Look what she did!

If you want the short version...
scroll down!

For months now, before we put Lexie in the tub we would sit her on the toilet to try and get her to pee. It never happened.
Then one night (April 7th), I was taking her clothes off to get in the tub. She said she wanted to go potty, so I told her to "run in there, daddy will help you!" So she did. And she did.
The next morning she wanted to wear panties and potty on the toilet. And she did. Until we went to my friends house, where she peed her pants twice. Ugh.
*After potty training Cutler (which took for-e-ver) I swore I would never potty train again until the kid asks to. 
So back to a diaper. Plus, my parents came home that same weekend and we were going to be way to busy to be worrying about the potty.
Then Monday came. And she wanted panties on. I was so bugged while I was dressing her...I did not want to do this! But she did.

**short version**
So now we fast forward to today.
For the most part...
She's potty trained!!!
And honestly, I didn't even have to do it. She won't poop on the toilet. It makes her nervous. So once in a while we have to deal with those accidents, which are the worst! And she still sleeps in a pull-up at night time. I hardly ever ask her if she needs to go. I figure, she wants to be big, she needs to come tell me.
And she does!! And she's very good at holding it if we can't get right to the toilet.
Now she sings... 'now she gets a potty treat' when she's done. The Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are her favorite. And we don't really use the seat anymore. But she's so little I'm afraid she'll fall in one of these times.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Special birthdays

My niece and nephew were born 1 day apart.
8 years ago.
Which means...Baptisms!!!

I'll post about those later.
For now...

Happy Birthday...(last weekend)
Carson - 24th

 Megan - 23rd