Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We may have a...

Thumb sucker!
Can it really be true? We tried and tried to get Cutler to suck his thumb (Colby & I both did) but he never would.
Lexie finds and gets it all by herself. We think it's cute, but have started to give her the binki since it can be taken away when the time is right.


The Millers said...

I agree, thumb suckers are so cute when their little, but I would hate to have to break that habit!

stefanie said...

You're trying to get Lexie to take the bink and we're trying to get Reese to take the thumb...I know, people probably think we're nuts!!!

Makayla & Cory Curtis said...

So cute, I wish Addi sucked her thumb.

Makayla & Cory Curtis said...
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Jenny said...

Lexi is so cute! I hope you are doing well!

Sherie said...

Theres nothing quite as wonderful as a baby that can find it's thumb and self sooth. My thumb suckers were my BEST babies. Too cute!