She's in love
#bestbabysitter #doesntlethimoutofhersight
She finally got to start school today.
#lastyearofprek #soexcited #couldntcomesoonenough
She wanted a picture of him holding her hand.
#bestbigsister #cantgetenoughofhim
So. In. Love. @tiffjanephoto is the best!!!
#masoncolby #newbornpics
This is why I get absolutely nothing done in the day.
#hesworthit #masoncolby #theygrowupwaytoofast
Can't get enough!! So. In. Love
Good job Warriors!! Way to get the win!
#16 #sogladhedecidedtoplay #winningjumpingjacks
I could watch him for hours
His job at the end of every school day.
#proudtobeanamerican #perksof5thgrade #noahmckay
I have good helpers!
#letsmegetafewthingsdone #ornot
I can't believe he's 4 weeks tomorrow.
#masoncolby #lovethesemoments #itgoestoofast #hehasbighands
This mister is a month old today. Where did that month go?
#itgoestoofast #masoncolby #soblessedtohavehim