We just celebrated Cutler's 1st birthday! I can't believe he's already 1. This year flew by faster than I ever imagined it would. So we had a 'beach party' at my parents' house. We bbq'd and had yummy fruit. Since I've figured out that most people don't really love birthday cake, we had banana splits. I thought I'd save myself the effort. After dinner, the cake mess and the present opening everyone was able to swim. The kids all had a blast.

Cutler's cake was a beach ball that aunt Stefanie made for him. She's the best cake decorator I know so she had to come from Louisville to make it for him! (not really she was already here, and it's a good thing she was.)

Cutler gets embarrassed pretty easy so when we sang to him he was doing his best to hide behind the chair. And as you can see, he didn't like getting messy in the cake. I thought this was suppose to be the funnest part!
The day after, this is the cute, happy boy we love so much!