Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas! It's finally here...

First, let me apologize for the blurry pictures. My camera was on the wrong setting, so every one of them turned out bad. Sad!! The first picture is just to show everyone what I had to finally do to my tree because Cutler wouldn't leave it alone. Just notice where all the ornaments are!

These are all of Noah's presents, except the one that doesn't come in the house!

These are all of Cutler's presents, except the one that comes in the house, but I forgot to put in the picture! (It looks like Cutler got way more, but his presents are on the love seat, Noah's are on the couch.)

We had to wake the kids up so that we could get to everyone's house on time. This is what Cutler did right after we brought him out to the presents.

On Christmas Eve we usually go with the Danjanovich's and sometimes my family to Pizza Factory. But this year, P.F. wasn't staying open so we had to figure something else out. So we went to my parents and had a feast! I was so tired because the past 3 nights I had been up until 3:00 a.m. trying to finish different things I had going on. Sadly I didn't get everything done. I had started making a blanket for Noah, and didn't get the binding done. I had the worst headache, and all day long it seemed like everything was going against me. Nothing was going right. So I was happy to get home and get the kids to bed. Lucky for me I went to bed at 12:30!!

On Christmas morning we got the boys up at 7:00 and hurried through our presents at home. Santa was very nice to all the boys this year (yes, even Colby). They all got 4-wheelers! And yes, Noah's is real, no, Cutler's is not. Colby was especially surprised. It was funny because when we went out to the living room, Noah saw Cutler's 4-wheeler and said, "I asked for a 4-wheeler." I told him that Santa must have been confused. After all the presents were opened, I saw 2 notes hanging on the tree. One for Noah, and one for Colby, telling them to look outside for their presents. They were both very excited.
We then hurried over to Danjanovich's to open presents there. We all made a haul! Then off to the Miller's. Again, we all made a haul. We finally got home at about 1:30, got the boys down for a nap by 2:30, got showered and woke the boys up in time to be at the Labrum's by 5:00 for the festivities there. By 8:30 I'd had it with Cutler. He's so hard to entertain! And into everything! So we called it a night.

Today, Colby had to work, so I was able to get most of our stuff put away. I love Christmas, but it's nice to put things in their spot and have my house back(sort of).

We hope you were all able to have as much fun as we did, and had at least a moment to relax and remember what and who the celebration is all about!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our Gingerbread House

As you can see, there was quite a bit of
concentration going on here.

I wish I could say I made the gingerbread, but I can't. We bought our kit at Costco. And I must say, it was a pretty nice little kit. We bought it a few days ago, and Noah has been asking if we can do it everyday since. We finally had some time tonight so we got it done! For a gingerbread house, I think it turned out pretty cute. I'll let you be the judge!

I have to add that I think I posted this in record time. Usually I have to wait until everyone is in bed, and it's only 8:30! Wahoo!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Colby's Tag and very first blog post

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper. I know I'm not the best at wrapping but I like putting my personal touches on the wrapped presents.
2. Real tree or artificial? Real Tree!!! I especially like to go and cut the tree down.
3. When do you put up the tree? Right after Thanksgiving. But this year 3 weeks before because we bought a fake tree
4. When do you take the tree down? I like to take it down between Christmas and New years!
5. Do you like eggnog? I love it straight up!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Red BMX bike.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? I make my mom a nativity scene when I was in elementary school.
8. Hardest person to buy for? TIFFANY!!! She always has a wish list and things that she wants. But we could go to the mall for a week straight and not find anything that fits right or is the right color.
9. Easiest person to buy for? ME I always have a detailed list of needs.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Don't know
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail Christmas cards.
12. Favorite Christmas movie? Why the Polor Express. Of Course!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Around Thanksgiving.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Everything. I miss doing Christmas parties at the Gable house and being able to eat Prime Rib or Gable house Pork tenderloin every night that was probably my favorite.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home? Stay Home
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen.
20. Angel on the treetop or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? 1 present Christmas Eve, Pajama's
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? millions of people shopping at the stores.
23. What I love most about Christmas? Being together with Family

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tagged Again!

I think I just barely did one of these but I'll be a good sport and do another. I've actually been tagged to do 2 new ones, but since it is Christmas time I've chosen to do this one. Sorry Kaymee, I'll do yours after the new year. Here it goes...

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I prefer to wrap. The presents are so much cuter and much more fun to open!
2. Real tree or artificial? I feel bad about this. Colby loves a real tree. And don't get me wrong, I love the smell! But what a mess. After last year, I told him no more real trees. We are buying a fake one. And we did, and I love it!
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually right before Thanksgiving, this year...November 3rd(?)
4. When do you take the tree down? About a week after New Years
5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, although I've learned a trick, add a little milk.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I would probably have to say the barbie house my dad, I mean Santa built. Funny story: One day Makayla and I were pretending to one of our friends we had some kind of pet out in the garage. Well, the garage door was up just a little bit, and it was a tricky door to get to stop right where you wanted it to. Anyway, to prove there was a pet whatever out there we opened the door and to our surprise saw the house. We were so excited but we knew we were in trouble too because we couldn't get the door to go back to the exact spot. Needless to say, my parents could tell we had seen it and they told us that night that what ever we saw out there would be burned and we would be lucky if we got anything for Christmas. But of course, they couldn't do that to us, and we got the barbie house. Plus, on Christmas eve, we couldn't sleep and so we tiptoed very quietly down the hall to the kitchen, and we saw them putting the finishing touches on it.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? I have the Willow Tree one. I love it.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My dad, he has everything. He buys it the minute he wants it.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Kids- they get what we want them to have!!
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I can't think of one. I was usually pretty spoiled.
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Definately mail
12. Favorite Christmas movie? I like a lot, I have to say Polar Express
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually the day after Thanksgiving
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not that I can remember (I hope not)
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My grandma & mom's homemade candy
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear
17. Favorite Christmas song? Can't think of a song- I love listening to 'The Forgotten Carols'
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home? stay home
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and of course Rudolph
20. Angel on the treetop or a star? A bow
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? One on Christmas eve, but definately morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? I agree with Allie, it's not long enough
23. What I love most about Christmas? I love the way everyone is so cheerful, and just happy. I love getting together with family; watching the shows on t.v. with only the lights from the tree on.

So now I tag the men! Reagan, Dave, Colby, Shan, Danny(I'll let you tag Kenny & Scott) And you all better do it!!

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Last week Colby took the boys to the Dicken's Festival and was lucky enough to get the boys' picture with Santa. (The line was not long.) I remember a photo of Noah with Santa and he looks the same as Cutler, only his face was the same color as Santa's coat.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New Furniture

We are very aware that we have way too much furniture for our little home, but we don't care. That just means we need a bigger home!(hint, hint-Colby) At this point, the more the cozier?! Not really, but Colby has had our couches for almost 8 years now and lets just say, they've seen their day. For us anyway. My sis-in-law's brother is getting married and needed some 'cheap' furniture, and what an opportunity for me to get some new. I jumped on it anyway. I still need to find some throw pillows to add a little color, but they are super comfy, and just what I wanted.

Big Trouble!

So, this is what Cutler has been UP to lately. No good! This is a daily thing for him and honestly, I don't know what to do to get him to stop climbing in and on everything. Literally! The kitchen table, the stools, chairs, Noah's toolbox, and the drawers. I can barely take my eyes off him and he's climbing. Well, last night we had just got our new couches(later post) and the boys were in Noah's room playing. All of a sudden, Noah comes running out with a big smile on his face and says, "Mom, come see this, you've gotta see what Cutler's doing" Right then I knew and took off into the room to get him out of the drawer. But, before we got there the dresser came crashing down on him. He was in the bottom drawer bent all the way forward, with the whole dresser laying on top of him. He was screaming, but luckily he wasn't seriously hurt, mostly just scared. So was I! After we got him out I was holding him and went to sit on the bed and he thought I was putting him down so he grabbed my shirt and wouldn't let go. That's when I knew he was scared. So, I'm not glad this happened to him by any means, but maybe it scared him enough to not do it again. There hasn't been any climbing today, so I'm crossing my fingers.

Monday, November 19, 2007

What the...Bachelor?! (Forever!)

Seriously! What the heck just happened?! Has anyone watched this season? I don't know who has but what the heck? So, he liked Jenni from the very first episode, and I thought DeAnna was gone a long time ago. Obviously he saw something in her. He's gorgeous- scruff and all, a millionaire, nice, seemed sincere...I don't know what to think anymore. I guess at least he didn't propose to one of them knowing he wasn't going to take it any farther, and just prolong the heartbreak. But now what does he do? He just had 25 women thrown at him and sent every one of them packin'. So here he is, single again. I get that he didn't 'love' any of them, but it's just crazy he broke every one of the girls' hearts plus his own. Or did he?! We'll find out tomorrow on "After the Final Rose"...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I am THANKFUL for...

My husband. This post will come as a total surprise to him because I know he thinks I only think about the little boys in my life... Wrong! Colby is the best husband ever. I honestly don't know what I would do without him, yes I do, go crazy! He cooks when he can see that I have had a not-so-fun day, he'll clean when I've had a not-so-fun day, he takes care of the kids after a not-so-fun day. See a pattern yet? He helps hang things on the walls, he'll wash my car, he helps SOOO much. It's starting to sound like I don't do much so I have to stop listing things he does. He doesn't do 'projects' - which most of you know. It's funny because I grew up doing 'projects' as my family likes to call them, and well, he didn't. So when something needs to be put together, that's my department, but I like it. So today while we are enjoying the sounds of sleeping little boys, I want to tell you honey, I love you! And I am so thankful for all that you do for me and our family!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


What you are about to hear is a lot of country music. A lot of Kenny Chesney country music. So if you do NOT like Kenny Chesney or country music you should turn your speakers down, or off, or pause the player. Do whatever you have to do - but I love him.
Ok, so this is a dumb post but I have to say it. As most of you know I LOVE Kenny Chesney, and have for many many years now. (Colby's jealous -haha) So before I start playing Christmas music I wanted to have some of my Kenny favorites on here. Yea for Kenny Chesney!!

Happy Halloween!

So the day itself was a very busy one as I'm sure most of yours was. Noah had school and of course they got to wear their costumes. He had a morning full of Halloween fun. They even paraded around their little classroom. They had just got done reading a Halloween story when I picked him up.

After school I had both the boys take a nap so that I could get a few things done because I knew I wasn't going to be able to get things done that night. As soon as they woke up I took them to the Holiday Inn's pumpkin patch. We got a few good pictures before the rest of the town showed up...

When Colby got home from work and ready, we went over to my parents house for mom's chili. She has made it a tradition for us and it was yummy as ever. We met Shan & Jennifer with the boys over there and got a few more pics...

You all know what it's like to get a "good" picture with 5 little boys all looking at the camera and smiling, right? Well, this is what you get! After grandma Miller's we went back to our neighborhood trick-or-treating. Then we made our way to Grandma Sherie's and over to the Labrum's. All in all it was a great Halloween, not a ton of crazy kids, and not a ton of candy! We hope you all had a safe and fun Happy Halloween. (Now on to greater things...Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I've been tagged!

Sorry these are long. I HAD to explain myself.

1- I love clean sheets. The feel of them, the smell of them, everything about them. It is the one thing I look forward to every Monday when I change all the bedding in the house. I love getting into bed the night after they've been changed, tugging on them to loosen them up, and pulling them up around my face. Plus, Colby loves it too!

2- So call me a nerd but I love mind games. You know, like Sudoku, word problems, Solitaire-med. level on the computer:) I know I'm weird, I got it from my grandma Miller. She was always playing solitaire with actual cards or doing a crossword puzzle. (I don't like those) It just relaxes me and they say it keeps your mind young. The last thing I need is to get alzheimers, I'm already forgetful enough. But there's something about sitting on the couch and engulfing myself into some sort of puzzle I just have to figure out. Plus it puts me into my own world for a little while - you know, a break from everyone else.

3- I love the mountains. Or should I say deer hunting? Or should I just say the outdoors? Being in the mountains is one of the things I remember most about my childhood. We pretty much grew up in the 'hills' as we called it. My dad had built his own carpet kit in the back of the truck so that all of us kids could ride back there. I remember sitting back there and watching for deer playing tricks on each other, saying "There's a deer, a dear old tree" then we'd laugh like it was the funniest thing ever said. There's something about the outdoors that makes everyone get along and just have a good time. I love the smell of the trees, and grass, and dirt I guess.

4- I LOVE TREATS!! There, I admitted it. On any given day, at any given time, I would much rather be eating some sort of treat than something healthy. I grew up having treats all the time(weird I know because of my dad, but that's why we had treats)and I haven't changed. Almost daily I either make something or buy something so that we can 'snack' on it while we watch our shows at night. That's my excuse. Even when we go somewhere in the car I make Colby stop at the gas station so I can get a drink and a 'snack'. I think it drives him crazy, oh well. The funny thing is I don't let my boys eat much junk at all, I don't want them to turn out like me I guess.

5- I love the holidays. Not just Christmas, all holidays. I think mostly because it means getting together with all of our family and eating(see #4). I love feeling the seasons change. I love when it starts getting warm because I'm so sick of the cold, and I love when it starts cooling down because I'm tired of the scorching sun. I love shopping at Christmas time, and seeing all the other shoppers cheerful and giddy about the season. Christmas is my favorite, but right up there with it is the 24th of July. Funny, opposite times of the year, but it's the traditions. Like I said, family and food.

6- Don't think I'm being cheesy because I really do love this the very very most...being a mom. I was kind of thrown into motherhood before I even married Colby. Because of that I wanted to wait a few years to have children of my own. Don't get me wrong, I love Noah with 1/3 of my heart (1/3 to Cutler, 1/3 to Colby). Ok, so that's not really true. If I could have three hearts, each boy would get their own. I love them so much. But after finally having my very own child, motherhood is a whole new story, it's a whole new life, there's a whole new meaning to it. I honestly, honestly never in a million years thought that you could love someone SSOOOO much. Even Colby gets jealous. There is nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for my boys, and that's all I'll say. I just don't know what words to use to describe how I feel about being a mother.

Now I tag Jennifer, Christan, Jessica, Alli Meiners, Cindi, and Kaymee. List 6 things about yourself and then tag 6 people. Have Fun!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Noah's Birthday Party!

As you will be able to see from the video the party was a lot of fun. Noah wanted an Airplane birthday and I had no idea how to pull it off, so I convinced him to have the Halloween party. I think it turned out a little better than the other would have. All of our family was there and just like every other year, Noah made a haul. I just have to say, Cutler was so funny, he just hung out and the pictures show him blowing bubbles, relaxing on the trampoline, and doing a balancing act on his bike. What a kid! So, Noah had a blast and thank you everyone for your presence and presents!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Our little athlete!

So Cutler has taken up a new! Both of our boys are pretty athletic, especially Noah who also loves baseball. I'll show you Noah's performance after his birthday party. I've yet to catch him on camera.(he's getting a real t-ball bat) Cutler has sort of taken over the t-ball set and thinks it is now his. Here he goes...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The first 5 years...

Today is Noah's 5th birthday! I can't believe he is already 5. Time flies when there is so much going on. Noah loves doing ANYTHING that means he gets to be outside! Fishing, hunting, mowing the lawn, you name it. His two best buddies are his dad and papa Kent. The primary presidency called the other day to find out some of his favorites, and he said "playing with Cutler" was his favorite thing to do. Noah, you are such a blessing in our lives! We love you and hope you have a very happy 5th birthday!! Love mom, dad, and Cutler!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Spoiled again!

Today, for me, was a good day. It didn't start out so great- Colby wasn't suppose to work but ended up having to(joys of being the g.m.), so I didn't get as much done as I had planned. On top of having to work, he had some guy help ruin his day at work. (police included) He did get to come home a little early and when he got home, he had brought these flowers for me! Just because! He is so nice when it comes to giving flowers - I get them often!!
Later, Noah went with his Grandma Janet and Papa Doug to a Halloween Festival(?) thing. It's at the Tonaquint Nature Center and they have this every year. Anyway, they have all sorts of halloween carnival type games, a little treat at the end, and a craft that they can do. Noah chose to make this cute halloween bracelet for ME!! I guess there were a bunch of different things to choose from but he told his grandma he wanted to make something for his mom. And he made it all by himself. Aaaw! So this is my bracelet. Don't I have the nicest boys?!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Someone is spoiled!

So yesterday my mom & I went up to Salt Lake to go shopping. I needed to look for some couches and we wanted to go to Gardner Village. When we got home, I was unloading her car while she and Colby just stood in the garage watching me get Cutler's car seat. When I finally got it unhooked I was taking it into the garage when I noticed balloons...and then I noticed what they were tied to. This beautiful 2007 gray/silver Yukon!! Colby & I had been looking for a new car and we had Dave go to the auction for us to find just what I wanted. But Dave told me that the one they wanted to get went for too much so they would have to go again next week. Little did I know they were keeping a tiny little secret from me... they got it! So here is my new car!!

Friday, October 12, 2007


I know this isn't a very good picture, but check out Cutler's face! When I saw them on the trampoline I had to do a double take at it. That same day was really windy and Cutler loves digging in the rocks. Well, Noah told me that he(Cutler) would scoop up some dirt and throw it in the air, then the wind would catch it and blow it all over him, obviously. There was so much dirt in his hair I couldn't even brush it out. It was nap time, but he definately had to have a bath first. I should have taken a picture of the tub afterwards. It was so full of dirt!! Aaaaghh! Boys!!

Brotherly Love

Everyday Noah & Cutler love playing outside. And with the temperatures we are having right now what kid doesn't? The other day I peeked out the back door to check on them and this is what I found. They were both jumping on the trampoline. Cutler was laughing, having the time of his life. He loves to do anything that Noah does. I always worried that because they are so far apart in age, that they wouldn't be very close. But Cutler looks up to Noah so much, and Noah loves doing all the same things too.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

A post from Noah...

Today is my mommy Natalie's birthday! Last night my dad, my mom, and ME all carved this pumpkin to take to her. I know she loves it because she loves anything I bring to her. And while we celebrate here, I know she is celebrating with some other very special people. Happy Birthday Mommy! Love Noah

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Finally, a minor update

Okay, Okay, so I haven't been on top of things lately and there's really nothing to report on. So, as you can see by the time this was posted that I stayed up late tonight just to do something different on our page. I was sick of looking at the same thing. Since it is now after midnight, my brain is fried and I can't think of what I want to say on another post I am working on. So, it's nothing great but check back later tonight(10/2) and you may find more from the Labrum's. -Good night.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Can you say B-R-A-C-E-S?

Our poor little 'one year old'...he has no idea what's in store for him. Lucky for us both of our boys don't have this problem. As you can clearly see, there will some day be a lucky orthodontist we'll get to visit regularly. Thankfully it will only be for one child (so far). I am not looking forward to it, but my father-in-law Doug informed me it was a Labrum trait. So see, Cutler has SOMETHING from his dad. Before I had kids, I always worried that they wouldn't have straight teeth. Funny that while I was pregnant I never even thought about it, and it happened. I actually think it's kind'a cute!! Cutler just wouldn't be Cutler without the G A P.

What a Monster!!

Yes, this is a daily ritual we have at the Labrum home. It can include any of the following: the tupperware cupboard, the lid drawer, the bottom two shelves of the book shelf, and this one, the cupboard under my sink in the bathroom. In a matter of seconds he can have any of those completely emptied, and he just throws everything. So it's not usually in a pile, it's all over the floor. If Cutler is being quiet, he is usually doing one of the previously mentioned. AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!! But I love him, so I let him do it. (don't mind the outfit, and he loves wearing his shoes...?)
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Whatever works...

So every night before I go to bed I peek in and check on the boys. Every once in a while I catch Cutler in the weirdest positions. On this particular night I just couldn't resist taking a picture. Check him out...doesn't he look SO relaxed?!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

All better...

Hopefully! Everyone seems to be back to normal around here. Cutler is still pretty clingy to me but he seems to feel better. Although he still isn't eating ANYTHING! I get nervous but he's not wasting away by any means so I'm sure he'll be fine. And Noah is back to his busy out of control self - yay for us!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What a night!!

It all started great. Both of the boys went to bed very easy, no problems. Colby got home at about 10:30 from work and we went to bed. At about 1:30 Cutler started crying. It must have been an odd cry because I just remember jumping out of bed to get him. When I got into his room I noticed it stunk and figured he had pooped. When I got to his bed I found the real stench was throw up. I immediately went back into our room to get Colby. We got Cutler and the bed stripped. Colby held him while I remade the bed but he cried the whole time, all he wanted was me. He had a temp of 100.4, so we gave him some motrin, but he threw that up. So we opted for the tub. After about 2 minutes in the water his fever must have broke because he thought he was in there to play. I told Colby he could go back to bed, he had to be back to work at 6:00, and I got Cutler out of the tub. I finally got him settled back down and back to sleep. This must have been the same thing Noah had on Saturday. He couldn't keep anything down and kept complaining of a headache. Hopefully my boys are back to normal and we can be done with this sickness. Cutler seems to be doing fine this morning, we'll have to see how the day turns out.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Family Vacation!

We just got back from another great Miller family vacation to California. Let me just say it was VERY hot! We did all of the great things to do there: Knott's Berry Farm, Legoland, Disneyland (of course) and an Angels/Indians baseball game. Colby loved the game the best. The kids all had a blast, which is the most important thing. About every other year (so far) my parents take our whole family on vacation. So far it's always been to California, because of kids (and my dad LOVES Disneyland), but who cares where it is, it's a vacation! We got to stay at the beautiful Grand Californian Hotel, one of the Disny Hotels attached to California Adventure. My dad said he wanted all of us to be able to experience luxury at least once in our lifetime. It was such a nice hotel, THANKS DAD! I do have to say that our vacation did not start out so great. We went as far as Primm on Monday night. Everyone else had gone earlier in the day but Colby had to work so we left later. We had just gotten the car loaded and kids in and seriously drove about 50 feet when we had to go back because we had forgotten something. When Colby put the car in reverse it made this loud thud and I honestly thought the transmission had just fallen out of the car. We slowly made it back the house and by then it wouldn't go in reverse at all. And it was making a loud whining noise like when your in 4wd. Well, needless to say we had to unload the car, put it all in the truck, move the kids over and drop the car off at the shop to get it fixed. Good thing Colby just got that nice new truck so we would have room to be comfy. Car problems suck - I just have to say. So, on Tuesday morning we got up early and drove to Knott's Berry Farm. It was so hot and humid that day I thought I was going to die. Noah went on his first real roller-coaster ride there and had a blast. I have a video of it, I just don't know how to put it on here yet. As soon as I figure it out you'll have to watch it, it's the funniest thing you'll ever see. Cutler loved seeing Snoopy, because he loves dogs, but he wouldn't stay close to him long enough to get a picture. He was that way with all of the characters at all of the parks, that's why there's not any good ones of him. Wednesday we went to Disneyland, it was still hot, but definately not as humid the rest of the week - thank goodness. This time at Disney Noah was finally tall enough that he could go on almost every ride. His favorite ride overall was Buzz Lightyear, his favorite big ride was a tie between Splash Mountain and Thunder Railroad. Thursday we went to Legoland, which I thought was fun but was surprised that all the kids couldn't go on all the rides. We thought they would be able to. That night we went to the baseball game. Friday and Saturday was Disneyland. On Saturday my dad had set up a birthday party for Kadence who turned 3 on the 10th. This guy named 'Pat E Cake' did a great job singing and dancing for the program. Everyone got to decorate their own cake, then Mickey & Minnie came to wish all the kids a happy birthday. We managed to get the boys to have a late nap so we could stay up late and watch the Fantasmic show and the fireworks, they loved both of them but were so tired when it was over. Cutler actually fell asleep in the stroller in Downtown Disney, and Noah kept yawning and asking when we were going back to the room to go to bed because he was tired. We got up and came home on Sunday after breakfast. Cutler actually slept almost the whole way home. He fell asleep before we were even on the freeway and slept until about Baker(?), we stopped in Vegas to let the boys run around and get some lunch, then both boys slept the rest of the way home. Another great vacation courtesy of grandpa & grandma Miller! I will have more pictures on here as soon as I can figure out how to do a slideshow.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I feel WICKED!

A couple of weekends ago Sherie treated us girls to a weekend away. We flew to L.A. and saw Wicked at The Pantages Theatre. We also did a little shopping, got to eat at Cheesecake Factory, and did some more shopping. We spent the night at the Hyatt Regency and just plain enjoyed ourselves. No kids or husbands, just us girls. THANKS SHERIE!!

If you haven't seen it, but have thought about going, GO! I'll admit I'm not much into plays and stuff, but I absolutely loved it. I listen to the soundtrack all the time, now Noah even sings it with me. And he likes it!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School Boy...

This was Noah's first day of pre-school. We both sort of needed a break from each other so I enrolled him in a summer preschool. He loved it so much I kept him there for the year. It's called My Preschool Adventures and I think they do a great job. He is so big and smart now, I can't believe he's old enough to be going to school.

Birthday Boy!

We just celebrated Cutler's 1st birthday! I can't believe he's already 1. This year flew by faster than I ever imagined it would. So we had a 'beach party' at my parents' house. We bbq'd and had yummy fruit. Since I've figured out that most people don't really love birthday cake, we had banana splits. I thought I'd save myself the effort. After dinner, the cake mess and the present opening everyone was able to swim. The kids all had a blast.

Cutler's cake was a beach ball that aunt Stefanie made for him. She's the best cake decorator I know so she had to come from Louisville to make it for him! (not really she was already here, and it's a good thing she was.)
Cutler gets embarrassed pretty easy so when we sang to him he was doing his best to hide behind the chair. And as you can see, he didn't like getting messy in the cake. I thought this was suppose to be the funnest part!
The day after, this is the cute, happy boy we love so much!